“It is a great leap in boosting up the skill development initiative. The innovations done here can prove to be great solutions to the pressing problems of the century. ”
Since the last few decades, our education system has seen a paradigm shift. Today, with this approach of inculcating Hands on Methodology in the current education scenario we have resolved the need of the hour.
Technoplanet Atal Tinkering lab would teach students essential 21st-century skills which will help them in developing their professional and personal skills. Skilled India is the need of the hour and each step taken this dream should be welcomed and we should work towards it together for a better India.
ATL would contain educational and learn “do it yourself” kits and equipment on – science, electronics, robotics, open source microcontroller boards, sensors and 3D printers etc.
“It is a great leap in boosting up the skill development initiative. The innovations done here can prove to be great solutions to the pressing problems of the century. ”
“Students should have a passion towards their work, having a mindset of bringing a sustainable change to the world. With the objectives in-line with Skill India mission, apt methodologies and a team of passionate people, Technoplanet is taking tinkering to a whole different level. All the best!!”
“Nice step towards STEM Education”